Top Nursing colleges in Bangalore-Krupanidhi Nursing College :

Nursing colleges

Nursing is a profession with focused on the care of individuals, families, and communities. As the word stands for, Nursing refers to caring the people. It is considered to be one of the noblest profession in the service industry. In Krupanidhi college of Nursing candidates can practice in many specialisms with differing levels of prescriber authority. We develop a plan of care, working collaboratively with physicians, therapists and other team members, that focuses on treating illness to improve quality of life.

Top Nursing colleges in Bangalore-Krupanidhi Nursing College :

Krupanidhi College is a Christian institution managed by Krupanidhi Educational Trust. Krupanidhi is an educational dream that started out as a small structure in Koramangala in Bangalore 30 years ago and is a huge, renowned, 11–acre campus today.

Krupanidhi Group of Institutions is famous for so many courses like Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Degree , krupanidhi school of Management, pre university and Nursing.It is providing Best Puc College in Banglore & Best Nursing college in Bangalore. Krupanidhi group of institution is the first college to start Physiotherapy in Bangalore. It is the Best Physiotherapy college in Bangalore.

Courses offering by Krupanidhi college:

Diploma in Nursing – General Nursing & Midwifery(GNM)

Category : General Nursing and Midwifery
This course will be of three years duration. Two years theory and practice in General Nursing and one year Community Health Nursing and Midwifery, There will be alternate course for male students in lieu of midwifery.
Nursing Colleges

B.Sc Nursing: stands for Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing.Graduates of the program are prepared for beginning level position in community and institutional nursing service; and have the foundation for continuing professional development and for postgraduate study in nursing.

M.Sc Nursing :

M.Sc Stands for Master of Science Nursing. Typically, a M.Sc. is a two year course and eligibility for which is a B.Sc.(Nursing). Subjects usually studied under this are Gynecological Nursing, Anatomy, Fundamentals of Nursing, Anatomy, Nutrition, Child Health Nursing, Community Health, Family Welfare, Psychology and Surgical Nursing.

you can mail in your enquiry to,” and the counsellors will call you and guide you through the whole process. For admissions and more details kindly visit our website


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